guns & roses | |||
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
roasteD likE A chickeN' & wrinkleD likE A prunE' noooooooooo! she's DETERMINED to boil us! fry us! steam us! roasting seems most appropriate... like a poor innocent chicken... ( nah i haven't got bird flu! ) slowly but surely... turning brown as the flames lick greedily over you... engulfing you in those intoxicating black fumes... well. enough of the supermarkets' dead chickens' life storys'. back to me. ( stops tape and circles me with marker ) Teacher Teresa and 3 other instructors and helpers split us into 3 groups, 2 consisting of beginners and 1 intermediate which i was in. after a long time, rollerblading seems hard and i was kinda slower than the rest of my group. Tasmin, IZZAA!!!, Buv, Rachel, Stef Chia, Natalie and i sorta mixed and had fun in the oven, skating around. i'd never thought i'd be happiiier when i took off my gear... soothed by the gentle wind that caresses my face... i was lifted up... yep! great experience. _________________________________________________ P.S. changed partner sitting with CLARA SIEW! SIEWY! another Great One, who writes poems about herself. they're well-written, by the way. i was rejoicing when i was in the 2nd row * i'm short! i'm short! my dream has come truee! * but it was not to last. fate tugged my all the way at the back row, the 5th row. i'm in the middle of the CrazY CrowD which is way cool actually, just a slight problem of having no peace at all =) but im learning to look on the BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE! YUPPS!
8:47 PM
olD schooL' there was this true story i experienced abt Bloody Mary cos' i didn't forward de email to everyone i know... for the first time... it was FUN! this is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. REALLY> i woke up 3rice in the night, and the third time i had my blanket thrown all the way down my double-decker bed... and while i went to get it i slipped on some papers and almost splat on de drum set... luckily i clutched the railing... yepps. this is true. but i survived to write this, heh? _________________________________________________ monday. the DREADED DAY! hahahaha... at recess i was thrilled to find out... WOOT!!! OMG!!! WE HAVE A SKATEBOARD!!! but nope, it was a BingoBoard. which was real scary. Yn and i screamed & shouted. fell off umpteen times... its super Scary. and i know this is super bad... but... ( uses short forms not to get killed by involved parties *screams* :"im sorry! im sorry! it had nth to do wit me!!! -____- yeah right. ) J dreamt of J+Y; HH & SM. _______________________________________________ ooh, there's a nutter! and i'm a squirrel! oh, look, an acorn! _______________________________________________ im sorry, the patient has suffered from water loss and needs to be sent to the Mental Institute or she'll suffer from more brain damage. ( everybody had fun and we all caught up on updating stuffies in PC Clan life. ) ooooooooooooohhhhh toodless! * grins lopsidedly *
8:35 PM
mY dayE' okay guys sorry for the late post.* screams of arghhhhhh! * =))) so, i had a Serious Shock when Jaral woke me up... i mistook it for school... o.O... heh. in short, i tried. i really did. and was thoroughly shaking when i walked up in the opening prayer. but i told myself silently i gotta chill. and that's that then. i freakked but it turned out all right in the end, thanks to God. signing out --
8:20 PM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
pianO recitaL' + AnG HomE' nervous... but, as JieJie Shirley said, no breakdowns today, luckily. the day of the piano recital had at last arrived. Rache, Debbie and i put up signs saying : Teacher Shirley's Piano Recital >>> but we were too late -____- everybody had come already and we were late. my Sonatina was blessed and my other pieces i managed to get thru. and who turned up dressed in a pink t-shirt and jeans, and not screaming butterfingers? yes. you guessed right. or maybe you didnt. CAMILLA HO!!!!!! ( in BIGBIGBIG CAPS. ) her bro Nicholas has been under JieJie Shirley for 8 months and he played great for a Grade 3 Student. i wish Camilla could have played...lolx. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEE:) AnG Home and yeahh! he totally rocked! Uncle Stanley and i were discussing how deaf we were...;))) nono just kidding. but i was stunned... violent crashing turned the song into the best i have ever heard. im serious. real serious. out of all the professionals... u were great. tomorrow... 25th June... my fate... shall be revealed.
9:25 PM
Monday, June 19, 2006
earlY riserS' + coffeehauS' 1) slept at 12.30am, woke up 3.30am, slept at 5am, woke at 7am 2) Father's Day 3) sang onstage 4) made popiah for Daddy 5) passed Fort Minor cd to Nick 6) sipped 1+1/4 cup coffee wif Nicole and Coffee Club 7) lunch at Doris' house 8) messed with Bratz ( SuperStar ) dollz hair wif Tabigail & Terena- lame but lame is fun 9) shopped for Eug & Annes' b-daye pressies at J8 10) dinner at McDonalds 11) Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers[everyone likes Legolas-- Orlando Bloom] 12) FB: JAPAN vs CROATIA {0-0} sth went WRONG wif my post that i typed for 1 solid hour...grr... ( whacks com irritatedly ) so here's the summary. hey, i tried! it was a busy day!
1:00 PM
bunnY suicideS' ![]() *extras think some of u might be interested in comics? credit Li En, she introduced to me. Fruits Basket is great but a little sick at times. and it may be a bit confusing cos' its back to front. pic here>>> bunny suicides is nice! ;) keeps me enthralled. no, seriously! its a... bit... bloody... remember, NO PG ( Parental Guidance ). books 1 &2
ending off with a grand finale... ah. gory. gettin' some ideas, are we? P.S. please do not try this at home
1:08 AM
Saturday, June 17, 2006
lvleD uP' + WWE raW' + matcH' wootwoot! i lvled!!! am now 28 in maple. thanks to Katty ( 35 cleric-23 years old ), her Bro and Chewy. went all the way down Eos Tower, all 100 storeys til the bottom of the bottom, 1st floor. wow. ohdear now we cant get out... to un-maplers, this is plain boring so... 'zhi dao lah Ahma! hao hao!' slams down phone. request, or rather co-erced order to go over and eat curry for dinner. and after the noisy and dramatic entrance as Noah and Nathan made, they were immersed into WWE RAW. Sher Meen likes wrestling and demonstrates in class sometimes... its like so totally pointless! all those big, red-faced guys were just shouting into the mike in the ring... fighted in and out of the ring too. so unfair... i recognised some of them though... Kurt Angle, Big Show, Edge an' all. and there was sth about ECW & Kiss My A** thang. so now wrestling is pointless and sick to me...-______- PORTUGAL vs IRAN {2-0} was watching with my laptop in front of the tv, playing maple. Li En is gifted with grabbing clerics. this match was pretty messy, players kept falling down, keep missing goals, wasted free kicks. rinaldo was pretty active, and that got everyone going. updates on the ITALY vs USA game tmr... stay tuned!
8:26 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
FIFA fanatiC' football! ahhh! the world has driven me to become absolutely desperately crazy over it. and yes i KNOW that it is 11.33pm. friday. june 16. important points: 1) messed around in maple, ludibrum 2) turned piano into a disaster; more difficult exam Sonatinas, Tarantellas and Jazzss 3) FinallY subscribed soccer channel 27 & 28... uber-cool! Argentina VS Serbia & Montegro -- {6-0} *A* scored a goal in 5 min! followed by another 30 min into the game... and yet again before half time, making the score 3-nil. + there was a spectacular goal made superbly by a reserve ( Esteban Cambiasso ) it's going to be in the World Cup records... and be replayed over and over... thats how great it was! it kinda looked to me like luck and accuracy though. i more or less fell asleep after half time... in the end *A* scored 3 more goals! whooo! and this guy in *S&M*'s team who committed 3 fouls and still wasn't sent off... generous referee over on the pitch! anyway my prediction was correct. yeahh Argentina!!! P.S. they were World Cup Champions thrice before, according to Daddy i figured since soccer has given nuts to the globe, why not go insane as well? after all, that poor guy got a heart attack just coz' Portugal missed a goal. and news every day is now chock full of ppl screaming, running on the streetz celebrating and wearing the national flag. but its a good way for the different countries to bond! sportsmanship during competition is what u gotta have! long and goodnight!
11:34 PM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
changE oF minD foR thE betteR'...I hopE' debut on 25th june. pity not on father's day and eug's bdaye, but Uncle Stanley, my drum sensei, says its better. i'll be playing with a great band, and hope we'll really connect with each other and the music. so change of plans...yupp. still need to boost confidence and i cant express myself and let it all out. something is holding me back. dont know what. i'd better find out soon.
4:30 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
relaxatioN' + cousinS' + suicidaL petS' *lan se xian ren zhang take a sip from a glass of ice water; this will regulate the temp in your mouth to at least 19 oC. pop a square of dark chocolate into your mouth and let it dissolve slowly. chew 5-10 times.[this will release the first sensation.]leave it on your upper jaw.[this will release the second sensation.] this way of relaxing/eating dark chocolate lets you taste the unique flavour thats hidden, secret inside. dark chocolate can cure mild depression, is used raw as medicine sometimes, and relieves stress. thats what the ch8 show, 7pm, monday-friday, says anyway. ____________________________________________________ umm at Noah, Nathan and Naomis' house. it kinda went like this... was studying yesterday and Ahma called for me to come over and chi fan... i brought along extra clothes. and then Aunty Madiya+Aunty Anna[persuaded]and Ahma[nagged]me to stay over and sleep HERE, while Uncle Alvin was out at work ( he's a doctor ) and Ah Ee and The Three Musketeers were out partyin' at a friends hse... leaving me alone ( sniff;' ) to watch the CL show, So You Think You Can Dance[which Nick won, by the way] and some Crime II. its on ch 8, 9pm, scary but okay. bathed and got a shock when they started shouting and banging at the toilet door. literally. i then realized the importance of skedaddling outta dere cause they have WAYS to open locked doors; thank goodness they were too interested into KFC ( Kung Fu Chaos ) Xbox to scrabble for the scissors, poke it in and wrench the door open...[hou guo bu gan she xiang.] i can't believe i gave up my[superior]skills at KFC for DOA. beating Li En will be my goal, now and forever muahahhahhah...! KFC's BigTroubleOnLittleIceberg=played super fast speed= is WAY fun. haha. went to sleep ( bloo/blue mattress under double-decker bed ). morning- junior monopoly. $16 or so. Noah conquered the game. after unfair loss of $10, we stopped. Ah Ee's raisin muffin. yum. Noah off to School Bowling Training and M N M' went to surf the net ( which means rockin' on online games ) sites: ______________________________________________________ ***Noah's teacher asked them to do an experiment, probably Science. she put a fighting fish into an aquarium. then she added a mirror. the class watched as it banged against the glass and died. she requested the class to repeat the experiment at home. i doubt there are any survivors left. RIP. ______________________________________________________ now posting -- sayonara
9:41 AM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
refurnishingS' i am definitely dragging my mother to IKEA to shop. don't get me wrong, this is only for 17thStreet;. i still Do Not like shopping 17thStreet is gonna look great when i'm done with it. *For those who want to know, salient seraph= noticable angel ... ,;'!#:~*
6:39 PM
Friday, June 09, 2006
feeliN thE heaT' ![]() woke up 5.15am, headed to Tim's hse to pick him, Doris and James up. << Doris and all that stayed behind, didnt go, were helping to wave at my mother and requesting stuff. "i'll buy an ipod and charge it into your account, okay?" and since she couldnt hear from outside the glass, Doris said "i'll adopt her as my goddaughter, all right?" and Mummy just smiled, said o3 and waved alot. and we were laughing like idiots. ( sorry no offence ) completed Practice Bk for Maths; still gotta looooooong way to go. improved drums a little. i expect more from gonna totally rockit' for all who believe in me; the downside, maybe cos' i was so NAUGHTY, is that i'm feeling feverish now...urghh...;'(
12:31 PM
colmaR tropicalE' = 4 & PCK DayE FouR looked at the wrong clock, twas' 8.30 'ready. ate sweet desserts in the morning and slipped off to attempt...Caricature!!! my splitting image is rockin' it out at The DJ Booth. thanksgiving for a wonderful C.C. & now everyone's packin' as we return to our Homeland!!! ahh, Singapore! we r comin'! On the road again... *all posts for colmaR tropicalE' = 1-4 are to cover for the C.C. ( 4 days ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Home had to watch new chinese show,[lan se xian ren zhang-rhapsody in blue/blue cactus] and discovered hilarious PCK ( Phua Chu Kang, best in Singapore, JB and some say Batam! ) ...actually am over dumb comedies but this is TRADITIONAL... got updated on SG idol, kinda thought Fayne would get in. so nvm. forced to get in bed at 10+ at nite cause wanted to send mother off tmr, on mission trip to Thailand, Chengmai. cos' of PSLE + Piano Practical Exam 17/7[deadly duo]i couldn't go teach the little-ones English...i would have liked that! not that i'm Fully Qualified...but they're not too. night
12:18 PM
colmaR tropicalE' = 3 DayE ThreE ah, glorious sleep and Yep woke up late. singing blahblah[fast forward] after discussing the morbid topic of death ( draws skull ) and resurrection ( draws cross ) what insanity came in and we played murderer and detective. *im de killer... apparently Acuvue monthly is terrible ( Melodie kept blinking like a fish ) haha. and then comes[huangshang, matong]. OK, BADBAD chinese. can't wait 4 another session of painting-follow up-a glittery kitty-kat. TALENT NIGHT unfortunately, ours came in last; 9th position.[7 ways to share the gospel=Becoming a Missionary Disciple in school] Ruth, Mummy+Generato came in 1st -_- but yay for them. scene-script 1) National Anthem- ( sound way cute ) "you know every morning we sing the national anthem is because we're loyal to Singapore? well, i'm loyal to God! wanna be a christian?"[bobs up and down excitedly] 2) Toilet 3) Canteen 4) Da-Vinci Code --- Movie 5) CCA - Military Marching 6) Karaoke 7) MSN- ( typing ) ' i'm in cell group./ he forgave my sins!/ wanna be a Christian? i find Ben and Cl doing it...really makess me LOL... [urinating act] Benji: "God's love is like a flowing river; just like this!"[pulls air] ( flushing sound ) Benji: ( goes right upto Cl ) "wanna be a Christian?" Cl: "wait! i haven't zipped my pants!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- hahax. cept' that Cl said "i haven't UNZIPPED my pants"... pizza party at ( t ) Joyce's room, ordered fried chicken wings + Mel's Junkies. Poker cards and Taboo was what we played, all da way upto 1am for me. Yep; the good life.
11:55 AM
colmaR tropicalE' = 2 DayE TwO -up at 7.30am -ate relatively alot and was late worship nxt, headed 4 youthclass with leaders Jasmine, Joyce and See Fong ( Shu Fong??? ). was handed a book 'The Case For Christ' by Lee Strobel. the Da-Vinci Code has challenged our religion, so we must build a stong/firm foundation; will be able to answer any contradictions said. now this is a Chinese-English combined camp so i sort-of made new frens, Chen En, Xin Wei, Sheena and Clement mostly.[don't mess wif Cl, his mother is Mrs Diane Ang, my Music teacher b4, + sometimes she stares at me.] a heated debate ensued and my group was ( fan dui ), topic: Jesus Christ, as Christians claim, is the Son of God. guiltily laughing as we brainstormed cos' its Bad and bubblegummers POPped. no need to explain i guess. point is, it wasn't boring ( kinda surprising ) and Melodie was funny hehe. great! lunch...included...Chocolate Pudding![puddy tat] so, moving on to bowling and i stinked wit proof of 23 pts; what's more Dn Gary Gan aided moi. ( Janice beat us, whatta shame. NOT sayin' anything, deacon Gary was great. ) the lane is cursed, or just a sequence. CHART: Play With- Noah and co.= 100+,super -Friends= 60+,average -Church Ppls= not available, too low approx. *really, tis' rationally accurate. snooker, i thought, was a fabulous experience. i scored 1! and they scored 0 each! ohdear...not very kind, am i?[piqued my interest!] i've been to the Japanese Gardens, Rabbit Farm so gave it a miss 4 tday then. sprawled on the ( lovely ) bed i own for these 4 days[yeahh!!!] & listenin' to MUSIC by a DVD player, nice way ta spend the Free and Easy though i'd prefer some action. youth discussion----telephone game----boredom zone----guesstures----taboo----end *stickwits: Grace Heng, Hui Lin ( Kenneth+Lina )
11:32 AM
colmaR tropicalE' = 1 DayE OnE feels like a long time since i've been on holiday! this time's C.C. ( church camp ) is at Colmar Tropicale, on a mountain. actually its a beautiful[breezy]resort, totally based on French so the restaurants, function rooms etc. are called Alsace 8, La Flamonde Rose. some rooms remind me and Rae of Cluedo[we discovered a secret passageway in the hall.] da journey here took from 7.30am-5pm, counting stops as well...but the ppl on the coach reached at 8+ :'( and were EXTREMELY tired. *jellybean ( Jay Min ) and co. in the car. i've come here b4 so i'm pretty familiar & remember painting plaster, so i did bears playin' in a flower garden, along with Grace, Janice and Aunty IKeng. followed by dinner at 'The Castle'. dere r much fewer ppl than the previous visit :( & now i'm in youth class;starts de nxt day. everyone was really tired so after de worship, notices, family stuff i hit the bathtub and then slept like a log. must've been deaf notta hear Jeralyn's coughing thru de night but then i had the window seat bed wif a forest view. whoo. *add: #Fuchsia, 6003, suite/sweet room
10:59 AM
Sunday, June 04, 2006
perfecT' ![]() yupp,im here,and im posting just like JiaLing told me to... getting totally addicted to the song 'perfect' (come on u know who's it by right) but it always breaks my heart in two, just like 'everytime'. in church debbie and co. were dragging me to say hi to mrs diane ang but i won (muahahha.) ! so much for resistance is futile...perhaps gazing from afar is safer, im a lil' scared of her. raced home for a disaster drum practice,annoyed with myself. must adjust more to my songs and rock it, got 14 days before my debut and ive gotta feel *****[5star]good. and lalala,back to work.but before that... ![]() here's 'perfect',can't help but put da lyrics here. (tears) Hey dad look at meThink back and talk to meDid I grow up according to plan?And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?But it hurts when you disapprove all alongAnd now I try hard to make itI just want to make you proudI'm never gonna be good enough for youI can't pretend thatI'm alrightAnd you can't change me'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts foreverI'm sorry I can't be perfectNow it's just too late and We can't go backI'm sorry I can't be perfectI try not to thinkAbout the pain I feel insideDid you know you used to be my hero?All the days you spent with meNow seem so far awayAnd it feels like you don't care anymoreAnd now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud I'm never gonna be good enough for youI can't stand another fightAnd nothing's alright'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts foreverI'm sorry I can't be perfectNow it's just too late and We can't go backI'm sorry I can't be perfectNothing's gonna change the things that you saidNothing's gonna make this right againPlease don't turn your backI can't believe it's hardJust to talk to youBut you don't understand'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts foreverI'm sorry I can't be perfectNow it's just too late and We can't go backI'm sorry I can't be perfect'Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts foreverI'm sorry I can't be perfectNow it's just too late and We can't go backI'm sorry I can't be perfect sorry its messed up;but i cant be perfect i just wanna say sorry to everyone ive hurt too, in my life, cause there's bound to be some mistakes ive made... ending on a happier note!;) please help find blogskins for me if ya can! appreciate it,i do. [yoda]
2:31 PM
awakE' slept at like, 12+ kept feelin' restless started da day at 7,yupp,mattress pushed back,covers changed. interesting because i dont really do housework so a new experience then for me. yn's family is so nice,especially at mealtimes where everybody laughs,and enjoy speaking sarcastically...Yi Jia's so smart but i dont understand whatever X chromosome and biology stuff Yi Mian has got exams and tried eating egg prata...we like kosong. still feel that there's something Boring about this blog(no offence to you bloggie,sorry) and i still want my white rose![:ive been chasing charmaineloh for them]
10:05 AM
suP' hihi! this new blog! and of excited! hehe...okayy... at yn's house now for a sleepover, her sis Yi Jia is jus back and later on i'll get to scream at Justin! +,my own set of five stones from yn! so its going to be a great daye! ( i think im becoming too happiiie! something wrong with me. ) today, the last day of school for p6s. after yesterday's Maths and Science Trail, 6pa had [legcramps'bodyaches',and more]. it was fun actually,quite hot but we got to see manyMANYants,a FaT millipede and some of us saw a snake! we kinda got lost, and given a lecture...ohdear. the rest of the day i changed my style and wore a black cap for the whole day, even shopping and struggling to swallow down lunch. so first i go crazy over jackets i am intent on dying from heat cause anyway i have extreme body temp,heh? (gasps)yupp. finally said all my stuff 4 tday...but i will post soon!(now faints.) thankss to anyone who bothers to read my JunK
5:10 AM