guns & roses
Friday, April 27, 2007

sportS daY -07'

Zomg, it's Sports Day. The day everyone has been waiting for ! *cheers*

I'm a Green Garrison! And proud to be one. I predicted that RED house would win, and it did! I still love my house though. Congrats to all the Zingo peeps in SNG!(:

After our IPW script discussion at Yorkie's house, we went to Macs for lunch! Where we met Shueny ( Lim Shuen ). I was wearing Backup-props-com tee! Which is way nicer than the Family T-shirt, no offence to the Sec 3 designers(: I landiao-ed for a while ( is this the correct use of the term? :0 ) then listened to Yellow house cheering. Their theme is "Rain, Yellow, Reign!" and then, immediately after they had finished their practice cheer, it began to drizzle.

I remember a quote from WL's friendster blog. "She asked her to call me at 7.30am on a Saturday morning, and I'm like who the heck would call someone at 7.30am on a Saturday morning!" And shewas fuming. And, it was Ms G w e e :"What is K-Pop? Why does Yellow want Rain? What is Rain?"

Then pour.

Then. Blzam.

So hard it began to flood.

I was called in to fin some of the last-minute props, and Renwen used my iPod. Tried to make them listen to Love Makes the World Go Round so they wouldn't keep bickering and pissing us off. They claimed it's lame. Okay.

I really felt like Santa Claus, giving out all the props that we made ( swords and shields ), as well as the refreshments ( bread-vanilla, peanut and chocolate thingos and mineral water ) which they all snatched. And after Renwen and I held up the used-box-now-turned-trash-can, and they actually THREW their plasticy remains at the box. Geez. Tough for us.

The cheerleading was totally the best part. There were a yellow-and-white team of High School Students from St. Michaels in JB too. SNG ruled too! Liked the music, and the moves were so cool! No injuries or anything, it was so fun. Had to sit on the floor and scream-shout-bash-the-sword-against-the-railing, couldn't resist. I saw Ms Jeanette Tan, who happened to be wearing red, just like Mr Choo and Mr Seth Tan *hint-hint*, but she never noticed me. She looks mostly the same as ever.

4th - Green Garrisons
3rd - Rain, Yellow, Reign
2nd - Supernova Blue
1st - Red Revolution

At least we did the best we could, and sacrificed a lot.

I'm sad for Hill, due to the trophy-and-the-indi/relay-race-thingo, she was super depressed. So, Shuen, Hill and I met up with Yorkie, Joey ( her 'boyfriend ), Shrimp, Flower. We messed around with curry sauce, tomato sauce, curry sauce, ice-milo, straws, more curry sauce, ( no mayo, no chili ) and..well. Curry sauce. - All Shuen and Hill's fault!(:

My props-com tee is tomato-fied.

I love today.


9:51 PM

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

PhantoM OF ThE OperA'

Peeps, Box Five is always taken by the Phantom, so don't try to get the famed seat or you might face his wrath! :0 And opera-ish voice. It actually cut through my Step Up time, thanks so much Nick for giving me the DVD! <3>
I felt that the opera didn't really link up its scenes, so I suffered a bit of a confusion trying to understand [I have already part watched the movie one on teevee, anyway.] and, the middle part was boring, I had to lie down while listening to the drama. I also wished the chandelier could have fallen more quickly/suddenly, and swooped over my head, teehee! Anyways it was pretty good, although seriously Opera is not my prefered music genre. As I have already stated, pop/rock/decay-dance/hip-hop. There. Heem.

debatE traininG lessoN twO'

Rah-rah, Marthamamakuching, Shuuqqingg, posse and I wrote a good luck note to our LD seniors. Which we passed to Wang Ling and Diana Nai, and got a hug for our trouble! Wahaa I love them! And no I am not some obsessive-Junior-who-has-no-hope-of-recovering-her-senior-loving-syndrome-and-Moira-has-the-WL-craze-worse-than-I-do. Okay, the last half of that long word was correct(: Haha. We had debate training, after screaming/yelling/shouting our hearts and sweats out for our school's Table Tennis Team. They lost for the Singles, ( Pat you still rock, we are behind you all the way! ) but won for the doubles ( Congratulations! ).

P.S. I am now traumatised by R.I. Sec, because they were doing rather nutster cheers and doing stuff that they shouldn't be doing in front of onetruth, huh onetruth are you reading this :0
P.S.S. And then in the bus Hillybu was cowering behind me, and I was using Capri* to block out the terrible noises these people seemed to be making, and using Beret to block out the ghastly sights occuring one metre away from me, in the backseat row. Hint: Chantel, Jolyne, Cabrini, Moira. Need I give any more clues? Thank God Nicole Chan wasn't there *winces*.

I have nothing against SNGLD's debate, alright Sharon, I feel so mean towards her. But really I have not cultivated any interest in current affairs or civilised fighting ( I don't even appreciate un-civilised fighting ) and yet I got commended TODAY, in Debate Training. And I actually want to be in Drama! I tell you, it's in my blood:( Okay, this is too un-modest. Like Choo! Lol. L-A-Meis-You. Going far from the topic. Which today's debate motion was, "Teenage Romance should be discouraged." And we were the opposition. And I was the 3rd speaker [rebuttals.] And Rae-ann spoke of les tendencies. Oh man. Point being anyway, we won. Thanks so much to my group(: But, I'm really worried for the future. Although, debate would help in my future job.. but then my heart wouldn't be in this, right, now. I hope time will tell me the right answer.

7:53 PM

Saturday, April 14, 2007

hamster love(: - hill.

9:06 AM

Saturday, April 07, 2007

!THIRTEEN partayeE fesT!'


It's Good Friday. When Jesus died on the cross. :( But, we decided it was alright to take away the pain, modern-day style. We went shopping.
Firstly I came approx. 36 minutes late. I tried to hide. Nobody hides from Mama the Reaper. Honey sticks became light sabers. Roseann ( Raeann was with her family. ), Yorklyn, Martha and I. Four unlikely peeps! Cos' the rest couldn't come. But it was interesting all the same, although at same old J8. Hard choosing the phone-sock for Mojo-Jojo. Teehee, hope she's okay with it! We had a suuuuuuuuuuuuuupahh hard time choosing the movie. Four possible and impossible choices. Meet the Robinsons ( G ), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( PG ), Number 23 ( PG-13 ) and The Reaper ( NC 16 ). Yorkie, who just rebonded her hair, and looking like my Sec 4 Model-Fabulous sistahhh, conveniently forgot that it was NC 16. So I said very loudly, "Just go and buy the pirated DVD lah." And then Mamamartha had to laugh so loud, [kekex], and criticized me for saying that in public. And then she repeated my line even louder. o.O

Yorkie Jie. My Jies' are so pretty. Except me. ><

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ( PG ). Three and a half *s.

And, OHmygosh, it was soooooo nice! So cool! Although Yorkie was like telling me everything about the characters and how her whole family watched it from young. Kind of like Christine, but better. Lol. Bought, Sheevonne's shoes.

Ri came over, at 7+. We played music, did Xboxing ( Urbz and a little lousy Kung Fu; ) changed blogskin. Listened to the radio, 987FM of course, where SHEEVONNE WAS ON AIR, TALKING TO SHANANDCARRIE, TALKING ABOUT HER HUSBAND MEEEESTER GERARD WAY. How he is better than Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump. *Watches Saacha bawl* And I didn't get on. Even though I helped us call. We were going to say, "Hello! This is Princess Gay, AKA Maffin and Moofin. And it's Moofin's birthday today!"

Haha. Had to abort mission, though. After midnight, I slept down and she slept up. Hee.


Been saving this post up, its the 70th one! You know. Matching today. The Seven-ness..? The day. The day! We've all been waiting for! Lmaoo. Anyways, I just have to thank these people A LOT for wishing me a happy birthday! I would also like to wish Jackie Chan and Astroboy a Happier Birthday! Lol, although that's not possible xD.

The Kind Peeps <3>

Li En [Blizz Maffin]
Cabby Taxi
Nick [elodeon-Legolas]
Erina [Jesse McCartney's possible future wife-sorry Marie]
Jaydupdew [Thanks for mentioning Rienna]
Wenqi, Sheryl and Charmoi
Zerline [Oh fellow pirate I remember you and my striped shirt]
Annaliza [Coke addict]
Kes Kor [(:]
Hillybu [Thanks for saying hamster love(: Love back!]
Flower [Jeanette the Shiniest Flower ever]
Christine [Uhum C Sister-Yo class pet I am not a long lost cuzzin of Chip&&Dale]
Yorkie Jie [Love you and Shrimp!]
Shuuqqingg [The greenest GreenTreeGirl ]
Pris [Finally on time =)]
The Great Charmaine Wee [Even greater cos' she remembered me]
Am Faith [Thanks class monitor!]
Yao Shan [Wantwant Mountain?]
KweeNing [Haha Yay for you. Survive Evil teachs]
Su Kai'En [You have a real good memory]
Roseann [Two days earlier hee]
Mojo-Jojo [Mohenjo-daro oh you are so sweet(:]
Nicklee [Who told me a day earlier]
Marie [Charmed you are!]
Jia Ling [Nice skin, congrats and thanks for remembering(: sorry no bash]
Others ><:
Bunny [Whatever(:]
Samantha and Zhao Yi
Sher Meen
My Imaginary Friend

All these are in order of time sent, I think, 'cept the last few! Twenty-six pluses! So nice of these people! :)

I went out with Ri in the afternoon, Audiied with her- Couple and I Urbzed. Ate lunch with parents. They sponsored my polka-dotted shoes! And Jane's Cake. Roseann got me a GIRLS! denim pencilcase thanks=) Lim Shuen gave this awesome Nike Golf bag! It reminds me of PangyaSEA, but really its so cool! Red! Magnetic! Better than Magneto. Love Nike. Did you know, Alex's birthday is today. Whee. Far East - Wheelock to film the first part of The Yuki Show with me as co-host - Subway , bought tons of tissue packets for my poor legs. Sheevonne's shoes I have realised are super painful to walk in, I have blisters on my birthday- Dhoby Ghaut, to show Ri PCBunk and check out X Zone, Sumairu is closed AGAIN - Plaza Singapura to find the taxi stand which we couldn't find. Coffee ice-cream in a too-small cup.

Family with Dinner. My cuzzins are the best, ever. Why was I so stupid. To think they were evil. Hmms. Maybe everyday should be my birthday so I can learn something=) Really these are more educational than some lessons. Stop hinting, anyways Noah played the violin for me, Phantom of the Opera pieces and his Exam pieces, he got 133/150, Distinction Grade 5 Gah. But Yay. while Nathan danced this weird sort of dance! Haha! Naomi was throwing a purple clay blob at me. They were watching wrestling too. So cruel, it. But eyes can't leave the TV. Mister Mahogen or somethin'. Pure evil. Shall not elaborate. Cut half of the cake! Ah Gong tried to use my handphone camm.

Nathan's not inside.=( But this is us! Daddeh Mummeh Naomi ( Dragon ) and Noah. And me.

And MeiMei Naomi with the Happy Birthday sign hanging on the door.

Went home, cut the other half of the cake for Shuen and Ping. Love them and Longlong, but he didn't come to visit! She went to watch Fear Factor. :0

Today rocks. Let's see what will happen in the future; after all.

Nothing can become worse after you've turned Thirteen.

Just never lose that funky young Barney spirit.

I love you, you love me, we are happy family!

9:10 PM

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