guns & roses | |||
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
![]() hallowe'eN' won't say no more here. it rained. got 154 shweets. =))) won 2nd place, after Lim Ping. duhh.. sad Lim Shuen din come. had bdaye party. well, happy halloween! and for that... you get this awesome recommendation from me! kudos to Ri-en, ol' stab-thru-the-head-with-a-bloodied-fake-knife Li En. 2 ppl praised on her outfit. i mean headgear. +D mine had specially sewn on sleeves de! gratzz to Mimi and A.J. [X linkie] enjoy! and don't let the ghouls, ghosts, pixies, elves, goblins, gremlins, trolls, leprechauns, devils, demons, angels, pontiyanas, mummies, vampires, knights, fairies, witches, wizards, princesses, princes, sailorboys, powerpuff girls, rowdyruff boys, grim reapers, mandys and minimandys, jr. ..okay getting carried away here. just wanted to show off all my halloween knowledge. hmm, Mommie's gonna tell me the HISTORY, STORY behind it! and i'm so gonna make her rent the "The Nightmare Before Christmas" DVD.. to cap the time of our lives off! icE princE' and, by the way, we went to Fuji Ice Palace for Ice Sk8ing. there was this guy, doing coupledd with a girl Janel knows. he's quite cute. okay, sho totally cute! =) twirls rock, too! as in seriously. y'know when the first batch 'o' Kindness girls got on the ice, they screamed. and everyone laughed and stared too. i was one of the FIRST to get crackin'! Pris says she 'Belongs on the ice.. 'well if she does so do I! though NO leotards. normal wear. we are so coming here again. next time, will be able to get a mint-and-coke-floatie. Mrs Khoo din allow, no times. i actually slept in the bus. there, and on the way back, i drooled on my bag. CSP kind enough to give me a tish. i threw the remnants back at her. naughty, but then i was tired. *yawns* alls well that ends well. halloween, did you know, is called wan shen jie in chinese. trust me to remember stuff that are not important.. well, better not waste the freakiest day of the year here... ![]() -before we knew it, we had carved a heart on the cold, unfeeling ice
6:14 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006
![]() vivO citY' okay. so, on Tuesday we were supposed to meet at Serangoon Station. I saw only Melodi at first, had to wave, flap my arms like a wild chicken and shout "Melodi!" to finally grab her attention. believe me, it wasn't easy. then Pris came, and who knows how or why we ended up screaming at Charsiewpau and Binny across the street, wrong MRT Station. *rolls eyes* and Anne was 20min late. during the 11 stops in that blasted public transport, Pris and Bunny were "sicknessing" and we were raising their levels. Pamela tried to "Who are those people..I don't KNOW them.." din work. Bun-bun, i bet has 6500+ now. *shakes head* Pris is, thankfully, less. and Bun-bun ( the UnGreat ) said "Hi!" to her tuition teacher. how freaky is that. worse if Lan Xiang arhh. =)) but it is beside the point. 3/4 of the people in those squashed compartments alighted at out stop! its like a swarm of bee-people. and the target? yupp, ya hit the bullseye. CANDY EMPIRE. the Biggest branch in S'pore! though, the 1st thing we noticed was the shiny floor. Binny wanted to kiss it. how touching. met Pat and her mommiedaddy. i wannie her to sing Public Affair but nos timeee...=) those escalators just go round and round, spiralling up. WahAhAhAHAH, i had to carry Pris' bag. they said it looks nice on me. *puffs* we slipped into Fila ( me & Pris ) to PURPOSELY get lost. eventually decided to hide in Toys 'R' Us. the almost-fruitless search ended after 1/2 an hour. all we got was a bonk on the head=) we must do this more often! was hungry. there was this hot outside playground. literally, and figureatively speaking. had bare-bodied little goys running about, splashing in whats left of the sprinkled water that has most of it dried up anyway. there goes the sickk meter. blown, completely. ![]() next, to PS! lost them ( yeah, you must be thinking what a bunch of goofballs we are ) when taking the train back. no dustbin, forced Pris to hold my freezing unfinished drink ( her fingers turned bloo ) regrouped at Sation, byee CSP. home, shower. go, dinner. Cuzzins. Nathan took my hp, Noah took Capri. i left wit book. Mei Mei just looked ( and whined ) wistfully. after meal, but i din eat much, all shared Capri. its really famous now! =))) waah, we are happy family... lvled to 9 in Audiiti0n! hah rub it damn in. everything made my day.=) homecominG' thurs, Anne, Bun-bun, CSP, Li En, Melodi. turn/time to go to my hse. Pris had piano lesson. an unbelieveable ( no not VAH ) 3 hours of pure torture! KFC at Thompson Plaza. i mean, what an odd name. refering to the latter. distribution..was rather messy. gross too.=) popcorn chicken with cheese powder & mutilated chicken. $22+. Daddy paid yayee 4 him! goes caree with backrowed taking pics of each other. *exasperated sigh* while moaning over the loss of a few bars 'o' hp battery. my house! blasted, as in seriously boomed music. ULTIMATE ROCKS! lalaAlaALAaALa clear off goofy goobers dancing, heating up the floor! then drummed, of course! they loved it, cept maybe CSP. i think she had a headache. danced like at a never-should-be-opened disco. DOA4! this OFFICIALLY proves i am to play `eliot FOREVER. nah, have to choose a female one. maybe La Mariposa, or Ayane still. they don't really seem to connect, y'know.=) get it? oh nevermind. Bun-bun is NOT very good. not in an offensive way. funneh to play with! but still, they got bored after the randoms, so we went to the park. up the hill, past Joey's house. we've lost touch for like, a century. sand, pretty much everything was wet. Anne had fun with Mummy's BMT shoes. look, THEY DON'T HELP. rode down the hill on scooter. to Halloween placee area. me & Li up ahead, CSP following, rest darn slow. those "Learner" vehicles were threatening to knock us down. a turtle could beat them by an hour in a cross-country race. swung, Alien-spaceshipped, forced them to stay there, then feel their way home. hehx evillx. ice cream, magnum for everyone, til it ran out so i ate Haagen Dazs while watching Martin Mystery... gosh MOM is scaary! ![]() drum til you drop! how could i make a DJ, if i keep changing the songs right in the middle of 'em. but i gotta admit the timing's good. Bun-bun was writhing on the floor. nice to trample on 'er. won UNO! WahhaAhAhA! onned com. changed nickname to the song, Li's fav "I'd Do Anything". don't care what people say, SP still rocks. dw pretty woman and more! 340+ already, and increasing! made list of movies wanna insert. then all went back at 7.45pm. missed Fong. T_T yeshie. you know what? i don't care if he sees this. i mean, every little thing i type is poison to him. he's nice, then he's darn rude. when you think you've got it going, he throws you down, like the way he got me stuck in a freaky tornado- well, at least day wasn't wasted! can't go to Bun-bun's hse on Friday X.X wishie people would review on Incomplete Hero# - Fate of a Sunrise. wow don't know if should continue. awaits a new comes Freeaaaaky Friday! ![]() -signs off ( written in school )
6:15 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
![]() PSLE' okay, lets not like, go overboard with this totally horrible subject, ya know? so, lets get to the point! 1) English. compo was.. 3 and 1/4 pages long? anne and yinga used up all, i think. they sort of copied from Prelims. mine was a fire in a supermarket, while i was out shopping with dad for mother. the lady trying desperately to sell her salmon or something teppanyaki, was bowled over by a mischievous boy catching his mischievous brother. ( literally. ) and so the tablecloth caught fire, i know its lame. then the sprinklers came on and a few lines were devoted to the fun the little children were having, screaming and splashing in the lil' pools. okay.. main paper.. it was fine, had quite a lot of time to check. except the comprehension was rather weird. about a race or something, set in India. or some country where they actually LIKE cross-country races. about this guy who can run as fast as the wind, named Yeki ( the boy, not the beautiful wind. ) he's a newcomer. and was almost able to re-write history by beating this quite full-of-himself character, Dukar. i think you're 12/11 yrs old if you're reading this, as no-one else simply BOTHERS. so you should know. this stuff already. 2)Mathematics. SUCKY. i'm sorry, did i hurt you, oh math lover? come on, i got the last 5-mark question BOOMSCH. GONE. IN A FLURRY OF DUST AND MISUNDERSTANDING. mother was going on about, don't worry about the paper. and then there she was again, commenting on what an okay question it was, didn't i do this before? and i would reply, time and again, absolutely not. blame my short term memory loss. but Auntie LiMeng said Nick's classmate got A*, just becos' he left 1 question blank and the rest chopchop. go figure. 3)Chinese. what did i expect? easy. what did i get? relatively easy. compo, Auntie Anne was sniffling and jerking/spasming. she din finish the paper. didn't ask her though, not nice to. manners, and ettiquette. main PAP okie. though i'm not sure if my compre answers were alright. i kinda wrote..longer? deeper meaning? hope the examiners found what they were looking for. even if its buried as deep as treasure. the part i would imagine easiest turned out to be the hardest. sure all wrongedd.' the finishing each others sentences thing. 4)Science. Yuxx! toughie for mee. but nobody really caredd. Bun-bun and Meaghan were hi-fiving *winces* then go celebrate. clarachuaem got to go to Ri-en's house. bleagh. it seems she's addicted to URBZ: Sims in the City! just like me! but i rock at it. i think its my only skill. =)) 5)HMT. i was grinning so muchh. compo just done in time. don't wanna talk about it. haha main paper..WHO CARES! I WAS SMILING BACK AT HER SO THE TEACHER SMILED BACKK AT MEE. she stretched it out, i know she did! heh. evalastinG funN' ![]() next RIGHT! IT WAS FUNN! tripp to Wheelock Place, where i FINALLY got my DARLING! i named it Capricorn*. no special reason. instinct. or just a flash of inspiration! its nickname is Blink. haha. its white, 30GB, loves me. i hope. =))) a bit hard putting in all my fav songs at first, but eventually it warmed up to me. come' huggies! ate at Fish and Co. Fishie, Fishy and Fishee. Nanthini, Sher Meen, Pris, Bun-bun, Charsiewpau, Anne and I. the 7ses. walked around, into Dollz. Inc. ( I LOVE THAT PIC ON THEIR SHINY GLASS DOOR! ) then to PS ( Plaza Singapura. ) took neoprints at Action City! this group of boys called another group of girls Morons. and they took it out on us. freaky. so we ALMOST went to destroy their neoprints by drawing on them..muahAhA. but i stopped Nanibah just in time. they came back. runn. Dada saw Jasmine Tye?/! didn't ask for autographh. dumbb. we chased her ![]() went home, experimented with Capri.. barely ate dinner yeah.. but mommie didn't care. curry and potatoes. =) NEXT DAYE, to Pris's house. watched Aquamarine, and yes in school we watched Ice Princess. Girly show SOOOOOooooOO not my type. but who cares. Charsiewpau has a crush on the guy hero, in that Zimbabwe thingy, we think. Ms Jeanette Tan came over! i have her handphone no. now. CANT TELL U. bwaHahAH. she brought stuff from 7-11. so much potato chips and junkk food. thankees! then walked all around her neighbourhood...went to fetch Anne...but first had to wear a weird Pris t-shirt! that reminds me..haven't returned her yet. haha. *Charsiewpau wore flourescent ORANGE.* i got her pic in my handphone! show y'all. Anne couldn't recognise Ms Tan's voice. lolx. went to Sarah Ang's house..she was wearing a dress. spaghetti stripe thinkies. hmm.. went to birdie homee and playground and..DuNno what else.. =) had funn. ![]() SLEEPOVER, AT RI-EN'S HOUSE. kind of usual, xcept for the fact that DOA4 FREAKIN' ROCKS?/! ELIOT IS SO CUTE! and.. La Mariposa's moves are cool.. ( Lisa ) and Kokoro looks like Lei Fang's sis! but one Jap and other Chinese. okay, will rant more next time. Anne went crazy at night. had midnight feast. played URBZ. we slept at 3am! woke upp at 9am.. Anne learnt Audiiti0n from Li.. at night.. okay this is ALL jumbled upp. took lame videos again =) ask Li for Youtube linkk. ![]() went home at 4.30, fetched JW, FORGOT TO WATCH HANNAH MONTANA I COULD HAVE SLAPPED MYSELF. bought Audiiti0n hair. look great. not enough money now. ordered pizza. watched All That and part of Zoey 101. JW dun like Fantasia. fooled with Capri somemore.+D 11+..listenedd to my darling..liked Meja.. went to church next day blahblah. sang SOLO, JON HATESS ME! so sad.. the vegetales song. i sounded like a loon, which everybody reminded me later "oh you sang beautifully! so cute!"... ... yes. "aww, so sweet!" i could have kicked him. i didn't dare. weel... fo0T doctoR' he actually made a cast of my foot..eek..its wet slimy GROSs.. haha.. but, left foot is 0.7cm shorter than the right i think. need in-soles. ex. foot not properly aligned. AT SUCH A YOUNGG AGE. problems. SURGERY! AHHHHHHHHH! no actually he said it won't help. so..that was that..went home Audiiti0n now lvl 8. need to be freedom, lvl 13. =)) buaiix! this is an UBER-long post. glad its finally done. =)))
11:30 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
![]() radiO dedicationS' 29/10/2006 my first ever radio dedication, on the carrie chong show SAY IT WITH MUSIC! *her grandpa is cute. heh.* 987FM cos' it rocks. msg: ( or something like this ) From Megan ( Megu ), for all of you, Pris, Bun-bun, Charsiewpau ( i like to eat Charsiewpau too! ) Ri-en ( pronounced Rain ) , Auntie Anne ( Anne, insane_chocoholic ) , Ning and all of 6patience wit all my churchies Nick, Zane, Keefe and Jaydupdew... all of you ROCK, STONE AND PEBBLE! by the way , good luck for exams. will post about PSLE when its OFFICIALLY OVER. post will come packaged with news about my *soon-to-be* FABOO NEW IPOD VIDEO! x i am hoping that my 05/10/2006 DEDI. will come on radio tonight... this is very personal. you all may MISS IT IF YOU WISH. but... special too... man! *smacks self* stop being so sentimental! you wanna hear whats it about? GO TUNE IN TO 987FM YOURSELF, LAZY BUM. heh. buaiix =)))
4:49 PM