guns & roses | |||
Sunday, February 25, 2007
![]() alL saintS homE' I totally forgot we were even going today! It was pretty coolers though. We gave CNY gift packs of potato chips and cup noodles to teh old folks. o.O''' Teh lady said they like them. Just like us, as Uncle Shee Keong added. ^^''. Right. Anyway. Everybody kept saying, "Don't disgrace the guys." / "Let them carry it."/ "Are you SURE you can lift it?"/ "Want me to help you?" and then, by being nice, i didn't do my =.-'' face and just smiled sweetly. "Sure I can." LMAO. By teh way, and, i jumped on Timmy ( my sworn enemy, perhaps. ) and it went "You know Kuching!" "Huh?" "Martha?" "Mama!" "Huh?" "She said, both of you are childhood friends!" "Yeah." Note teh full stop. There. I mean, couldn't he be a little more EXCITED?/! Okay at least Tabby came up to me, and we were like totally squealing for 5 mins. I must tell Mama about teh time i went to Tabby's house and for 3 hours, dyed Tabby and Terena's Bratz Doll's hair multi-colour. And shiny is so not an excuse. Haha. Anyways. I think Kes was being emo today...i should go ask him. Hmm. Well. I couldn't speak to many of teh old folks. Cos'. Well i can't speak hokkien/teochew/MANDARIN. And like, close to zilch of them speak English. Except this "coolers" dude who don't look Chinese/Tamil/Malay. So European?=) YaoShan likes his sunglasses a lot. Haha. He has one and i don't! ^^'' ![]() Well, its really fun. I hope most of us put in a little ( and a lot? ) of heart into this thing. Which means, not just for teh points, or cos' its compulsory, or you're friends are doing it and all. Well. It comes from much deeper, doesn't it? z610i ( meeT LeymaO' ) ![]() Oh,migosh. Meet Leymao!! It's so adorable! Its! MY NEW Z610i PHONE! I kinda regret not saying goodbye to my Samsung 3G. But then again. Maybe i'll dedicate a song to it. This one's really black class and shiny. Thankyews, Mummeh Daddeh and Hp Techni guys who helped me get it! Muamua! I'm just reaaaaaaaaally happy. Sony Ericsson, and so pretty too. And i named it! Obviously! Leymao! So. I'm lovin' it! :oRienna`
9:53 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007
![]() Today, anyway, is like BOUND to be a terrific day! Firstly. ( Why am i writing like in a Lit Test. PQC everybodehh. ) Its teh 23rd!! My reg. no.! o.O''' We had Math Common Test AND Lit Test today. Okay. Getting over it. We cut Geog lesson by, a lot. A normal screamy day of Marthamamakuching slapping me and all 1 Truth funneh stuff. Our group actually performed in front of e class! And i think we've prepared really well. Teh auditions were held at Hwa Chong Institution. And we walked all teh way to e college. And it was a guys school, and there was a swimming pool and sooooooo much space! Should have donated some to St. Nicks, not that ours ain't gigantic enough=) Put 2+2 together, don't try to imagine what Jolyne was thinkin'. We were also like panicking! Not a lot of props, just basics. And here's teh cast. ![]() Jolyne=Paris Hilton Mama=Nicole Richie Shubu=Narrator Sean=Make-up Artiste ( Nicole ) Rienna=Professional Photographer ( Paris ) ^please PRONOUNCE "photographer" correctly. ^^ Anyways. I FORGOT TO SAY THAT I FOUND THIS GOOD OMEN BEFORE WE HAD LUNCH, POKING AT OUR MANGO SLUSHIES. THERE WAS THIS BERRY SWEET ON TEH FLOOR! IT JUST BLEW TO ME! AND YEAH! THATS A REAL GOOD SIGN! WHICH IS PARTLY WHY WE DID SO WELL! *puffs* Sorry. I had to write that in Caps so Mama could see it. She's like, absolutely going frantic. I totally think we have a suuuuuupeeeeeeeer-ubbbbbberrrrrrr-hiiiiigh chance of getting into e finals! Sec 2s ( Frozen Marshmallow, Funky Charlie, Wei Qing, Duh-uhs ) were really good! Their analysis was really long though. We blessed teh other Sec 1s good luck too! Mmm Candy. And others. Mostly good comments for ours, though i laughed a little bit. This is really helping in my drama! More emotion, less unnecessary LAUGHTER. Forget SALMON, lmao. I have decided to use that instead of lol. I still love lollipops. Well, please cheer for us! Teh Viva La Divas are gonna strut their stuff, it ain't no bluff they've got teh judges' RUFF! Oh yeah, and have a LoonyLoopyLupin day! Don't forget to go Bananas! +1oo
9:18 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
![]() P-S-R> posT-syndromE-regreT'
Nah, P-S-R isn't for Plaza Singapura in reference here. Its how i'm regretting going yesterday. Okay. In short, thanks Nicole Yue for inviting me along, i got to see PC Bunk and watch the Ghost Rider, which was all real coolers. And, well, i made two ( or more? ) friends, Karyn and Mary-anne. Both are nice in their own way. You know i never expected getting such a warm welcome into St. Nick's. Since i was from another school ( only ex-PL-Lite in 1 Truth ) i thought it was gonna turn out real awkward. Then i'd be some sort of loner. But thats totally not what happened, and secondary school life is..great! Besides e common tests/surprise quizzes/some teachers/mountains of h/w and all that. When we went to P-S, it was with 6 unknown guys, Nicole, Karyn ( 1/2 group/s> ), Yorklyn, Mary-anne ( 1 group ) and, well, me. That plus Mary-anne's maple friends and friends. *YOU SEE THIS, YORKLYN?* So of course stuff got a little...weird. And i felt really sad. But i don't blame Yorklyn. Because, well Mary-anne's not in 1 Truth. And they're like best friends, so they should have fun together.=) *LMAO. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING?* I miss Ri a lot! Obviously platonic. =.-'' Its like everything said in sec sch is WRONG. Haha. You know. Maybe i was emo, or whatevs, but i wanted to go with Ri and Raymond ( and co.? ) to J8. Even if it Was J8 Again and they were watching Epic Movie, which is hilarious and gross. Haha. Nobody in teh WORLD is like even CLOSE to being teh same as her! And P-Lites! All teh fun with Jet, music, goings out taking neoprints...S.O.s...calling and talking on teh phone? Smsing randomness! ( Duh 1T has them. But a different kind ^^ ) And, of course. Teh Goth and Emo thingeh. And MALLAMALM. And YN. Fun with Aralc and Just. And KEN. HAHAA. And...Anne's psychotic-chocolate-insanity-ness. Pris. Bunny. Nani's Vamp. Knight and Fruits Basket comics. And, her. ^^'' Meaghan's violence and Artemis Fowl greeeeeeaaaaaaatest novels. And and and...- just 6 Patience. I also remember Andrea ( Let's scream: PAUL! *Andrea Menon faints* ), JIA LING, Li Li, Raymond ( not Jolyne's derr. ), Tasmin ( Tasmanian Devil's rule! xD )...Rayna? Gloria? Duh-uh. This is like. A reminiscing-ish post. This isn't buyousness towards 6 Pa `06 okay, or negativeness about St. Nick's girls... its just. A. Reflection. And at this point of time! Things change. Let's hope everything will turn out all right. ![]() Quote: Erina: "Fairy tales..." I feel much calmer now. Ahh. Yoga. So at PEACE. I hope i didn't offend anyone, or made y'all feel sad...=[ AHH! NO UN-SMILING ON CHINESE NEW YEAR! :]]]
10:36 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
![]() goinG bacK tO ouR almA mateR ( iT meanS PL. ) Teh Old-school PL ( now St. Nicks ) Sec1's were rounded up, and half of us went by another car, while some of us stayed to tonggpangg Sammie's car. Reached school. OmG, teh sec school looks like a prisoooooon...but its neeeeeeww so thats good=) Met up with MORE! I was like, running to Ri-en. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..hhhhhh..hhhhh.. running;{make it in slow motion guys}running; RUNNING; then stop. Paused. HAHA. Soooo great to see Pris, Swatter, teh Twins A&A and all that back again! Wish Yi Ning came too. Then we took teh BUS to J8! Seeing MOREEE 6Patience'06 peeps. My ez-link card had probs. Major probs. Too many buddy-cardies squashing and suffocating it I think. Or maybe my new Sec 1 ez-link card just uber-shocked teh machine. Thankyews Nani for helping it out. I WANT VAMP. KNIGHT NO.4 W0RS. Ate Mac! I shared with Ri, one 6pc nuggets, 1 coke, and one large fries ( CC. ). AND WE NEEDED CC.S HELP TO FINISH LOLITA. Did you know. That teh Filet 'O' Fish is teh most UNHEALTHY meal? Teh fishie is deep-fried, y'know. Anyways. We went to take neoprints! And I met A, and J. ALY AND AJ. HAHAHAHAHAHAAA... Yeah... Yeahh..HAHA.. Yeah right. Took one "Just So Some..." one "Everyone! Smile yo!" and one "Ri Charmoi and I". Aww Poodles not complete... real fun though. Umm. Changed moneh. She Insists on me paying her back $2. *rolls eyes* AND WE TRICKED CHARMOI INTO THINKING THAT WE REALLY SAW JET AT MAC AND I AM ASSUMING THAT SHE HAS NEVER ENTERED MY BLOG AND THAT THIS IS SO AMUSING. AND THAT JETHRO IS SO PISZED AT US RIGHT NOW COS' WE PRANK-CALLED HIM SO MANY TIMES. HAH. Oookay. Went to eat Haagen Dazs. Cookies and Cream! Me and CSP went to shout to everyone that its Yugoslavia's New Year too! And then I asked her, Is It Really True? And she said. No. And I said. Who cares. Yayettes. So. We went to J8 library. And I drew Truthalicious on teh drawing board! And read some pretty sick stuff on it too. And watch teh others write about Evil Alien Kitties and Mews. o.O ''' ![]() WE BOUGHT SOCKS FOR OUR PHONES! I LOVE RI'S PHONE. Z610I. BLACKEDDCHARCOALLSHINYY I WANT! We called Paul Twohill, Ms SH Goh, etc. PAUL WAS SO FUNNY. HE SAID. IN THIS GIRLY VOICE. LETS REWIND E CONVERSATION ANYWAY. #!1 ( my phone ) Us: Hello. Are your Butterflies Shiny? ![]() He: Huh? Who is this? Huhuhuhuhuhuh? ( gets higher pitched ) What shiny butterflies? Us: Oh. Your vegetables? He: Oh. I have to call you later. Bye. #!2 ( Ri's phone ) Us: {American accent} Hello? He: {girly voice} Umm Mandy? I'm like washing my -s right now, can I talk to you, like, later? Us: I'm like, washing my socks too. So like, byee! -SLAMS PHONE.- I miss everyone...from 6Pa'06. Loves y'all, MEET AGAIN DURING E CHALET PARTY OKAY? I'LL BE TEH DJ!
7:15 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
![]() LD' I'm not gonna stalk Wang Ling anymore! And Moira toooo..right?=) With Mama's help, I gave W.L. her V Day pressie! KISSED W.L.>'s BROWNWHITECHOCOSKELETONBAGGIE!xD And Moira spilled my ice milo. o.O So i went to steal Nicole Yue's. And a lil' aliens from Mama's mangooo slushie. W.L. Operation. Successful. Case Closed. I can't believe it, FINALLY expressed myself, like Believed in my role during LD ( playwriting ) time! Thanks to my group, and people? HAHA. Yayettes. Okay I was this little boy who was very emotional cos' his motheh was dead, and his father was gonna re-marry. And, he got his NEW pre-wife pregnant. And, I gave her an abortion, after stamping on some white lilies and spitting chocolate out. OmG, i was tearing! Mr Lord talked a lot, i was trying to keep teh tear under control. I guess I felt really good afterwards! I got praised by Mama, ShalonSHARON ( not Ah Meng HAHA. ) and Moimoiraaahh(-). Snapped out of my role easily enough=) You know, Sher-girl was scaaaary. I honestly can't tell if she's really angry, or play angry! And it freaks me out. Anyway. Her motivation kinda helped me cry=) Momma was shocked. I have to finish my play soon! Hopefully I can get Rienna and her story published. ![]() neW frienddstersS'! Joan Makkkk & Tricia Gohhhhhhh! NEW FRIENDDDDS. Both in LD, let's haaaave funnn! *Tricia. Don't be a ghost. You look better human xD Joan GREAATTT acting as pregnant. And a mushy wiiiiifeee xxxD P.S. Evanescence at night craze. Must be my creepy playwriting skills haunting me... P.S.S. Do you realise. So many Caps now. Good English. HAHA. P.S.S.S. Raeann and Roseann PLEASE recover from Chicken Pox! Later, we all kana. Specially' me. Then. Becomes. Poxilicious. Yuckk. P.S.S.S.S.S. I am now stopping teh HAHA. Have a great weekends thankyews agaiiiin Erina {Beautiful Heart} and Yorkie Jie for helping IsuzuRin in maple!
7:40 PM
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
![]() teardropS' ( A LittlE GiN Wouldn'T BlacK AN Angel'S HearT' ) Wipe the tears away They fall I watch the teardrops Slowly spinning Come to rest Lightly Marking a small spot As its own. ![]() The hope that had once dangled On an almost-transparent string Has snapped and shattered Joy, once so painfully close Has slipped through my grasp My heart bears yet another slash The tears Dry up Helplessness As I watch the delight of others Falling; Slowly Into ruin.
6:32 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
![]() neW stufF ( shorteneD' ) people reading, i am honestly too lazy and ( time-constrained? T.T ) to write down everything crazily. so, teh past few stuff. updating! ( sort of. Bunny no skin me. ) -ELDDS ( How our Sec 2 seniors are all morbid peeps ) ( How our Sec 3&4 seniors are so NUTELLAS. ) -Jia Ling's B'day Bash ( She forgot to help me put teh black eyeliner. T.T And i got Paul Twohill's HP No. Yayers Bao Yun! Knows Wen Hui. Meets Yuka again. Bunny went! Chicken Wings best in teh world. She can jokingly sell them. For like, $2 for 1. Its really heaven. ) -Pokey. And Haha crab in Term 2oo, which we shall name...HAHA! ( No, that wasn't a laugh. It was our future crabby pattie's name. ) -Fall-outs Break-ups Best-friends Make-ups. -4/2/07 put on : Long Hello-Kitty Shirt, Flow Small Skirt, Leggings and Lace, 1 Emo Armwarmer, 1 Bandage, Converse Black and White, 1 Black Bag. Darn coolers, Auntie J. GAVE me. Muackses. -How new styles came about: Calling Guys Girls names and Girls Guys names. ~Ri-en/ Jackie/Baracharan? Bandages. Supposed to be a belt-sash though. I did not SLASH my wrist Rache. And am not Michael Jackson Zane. Ohwell. My Guy name for teh day. And teh perfect em0 outfit. ~JLyn and Miu Likes to put es behind stuff. eg. Likeses. ~Miu Likes to say teh instead of teh. I mean teh. I mean, THE! Okay. teh teh. ( Not Teh Tarik.But nice also. ) ~Ri-en and Miu Likes to say yayettes instead of yay. ~Miu Sudden Fall Out Boy Craze. ~987FM and Miu Sudden likeses to uses T.T. ~Miu -Dying to go to Fall Out Boy concert, 3rd March, Max Pavilion, 8pm, @$75.+ Bunny, JW, Nic and ( I really feel like begging Nick's mom like nuts cos he don't get to go out often =( T.T ). SMS, call, email, msn, taggie, imvu, whatever to get thru to me if you wanna crash as well. Why am i waiting, why am i waiting... -1 Truth is rockin' darn hard. But then, thats old news. Okay, we're gonna put up CNY decors. In GREEN. I thinkses. -Hillybu and Jolyne's pressies! I gaves thems pressies... -Should be getting that adorable Bunny/Teddy-Bear/Skeleton ( want it but Motheh will KILL ) bag from 8 Percent. -New songs: Step Up, Wait a Minute - PCD, All Good Things ( Come to an End ) - Nelly Furtado, Call On Me - Janet Jackson feat. Nelly, This Ain't a Scene, Its an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy, Vindicated - Dashboard Confessional ( Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake ) -I want IMVU (X)Loli Havoc Steel and Gothic Lolita Dress. See my wishlist at my imvu page=) ![]() ![]() -New Nicknames: darkbl0ediSTRESS` , Naminiieraa ~` -My Lappy's * Key is busted. -Lappy got a msn virus from Swatter. Not sure if its properly fixed yet. Peeps don't click any link i send you okay? Like at teh start of a converse, i don't say hellomoto. But teh link. -Deathnote, Kubato and Lain posters. Teh raised e price from $1 to $3! Oh sadsad promo. You're badly missed. -I want deathnote. As in, teh black shiny book. -Will make 1Truthies go to VivoCity with me and kiss e darn shiny floor. -Last dwum lesson ever ( most probably ). I don't want it to end. Motheh. Why. -Will practise to Cabrini's "Thank You" and ask Ah-Ee how could i help her become a supahhstahh in teh Music Industry. She owes me a L skin.=) _______________________________________________________
6:29 PM