guns & roses | |||
Saturday, March 31, 2007
S.C. tripP twO' We went to the Science Centre again(: before, Jean and I met at Mac and did some of our IPW script together. Nicole Y. showed me her new Goth male trends, we were trying to put her in a pink fluffy poofy girly fairy skirty dress. I was today's "What Not to Do While Crossing the Road" Teacher today. And, I had much fun almost getting knocked over. On the busie. >and, on the way there I shared Capri* with Marthamama. ( I'm aller, I'm allergic to you ) She claims, I am a gay hamster. Because I wore my favourite pink and white overall. Hillybu took pix too. Wanna see? Me and the Kuching. Hamster act of Kisses. Okeh . ( quote Jiie. ) So, we were doing forensic science, but it wasn't like my CSI camp. It was more focused on one aspect, which was DNA testing and separation.. It consisted of this gel-like substance, and we had to use those -pittp- syringe-thingos ( quote Shuu ) to insert the DNA samples of the victims/suspects and people at the crime scene ( well, should be fake ) into small "walls". They were pretty, X A. Then, we charged the gel. Set the numbers.+D to 180 i think. And while we waited, we watched a clip about this murder case. I know, Ohio is for lovers. But apparently its also for this unsolved murder case. I think that this isn't justice. The families would be really disappointed, huh.. and, all the murdered ladies are "Mary" "Marilyn". I'm sorry, just doing a check, scan, whatchamacallit ( quote Chingy Parade ) this is freako. But whatevero. And when the gel emerged, the colours were very pretty. More variety than a rainbow! I liked the teal of course:] I miss the lab coats. The reflection forms were filled up again. Lol, Van C. Jiie wrote that we learned how to commit murders during this course. o.O vaN C.'S housE worzshxzsH' Continuing IPW. With the whole group but Yorkie was late, YCS and some swimming competition where she emerged 4th place out of 6th. Jia y0u! Van Jiie's house rocks, 5 room flat with her cat with the most amazing tail ever, !Fifi! and her spotlight lightings, and her Deathnote 1 VCD. Anyways, we were discussing school life, and Van's heats and nation comp, Christine's netball CCA and Jean's gym teachs, etc. Hee I'm not in competitive sports. Christine should be a pro. editor next time. We tried not to slack, but at dinnertime Van's mom's, or bought fried-rice rocks. We sat and watched DN. Christine kept shouting out nice points in the movie, Lol. I really enjoyed myself:) And then it was back to business. But I still played with Fifi, which I thought was an owl at first when I saw my Jiie's dp hee, although I don't know if she likes me, and sorta slept on her couch. They compared me to her giant Chip and Dale soft toy plushie. Gee. A nice day. I lost 2k Den in Audition, doing NPC with my laaaan group.X) TeeheeBoo, whatevs.
11:28 PM
Friday, March 30, 2007
![]() MR. BeanBean'S HolidaY' Oh, my gosh! The movie was so cutely-funny. Although, it didn't star teddy at all. ='( Well, there were new people! And Mr Beanie emerged as the hero again! Oops I shouldn't splat your theatre FUNN. But anyways, I have learnt a few things from this show. ( Gets all serious ) 1!-NEVER get lost in France, ever. 2!-ALWAYS keep your passport SAFELY with you. And sit quietly on your seat while in a train. ![]() 3!-GO holidaying with Mr. Bean?! Are you nuts?! Only the Oka-bean would agree. 4!-WATCH this movie. It's very educational. ![]() TEEHEEBOO.
9:32 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
987950933938 mediacorP radiO statioN 26/3' Firstly, I want to say a biggie THANK YOU to Ah Ee, for the Soon Kueh that charmed Auntie Rose and well the whole tour around the place. Love.<3> I forbid myself to tell you guys the details and most of the stuff that happened, sorry=/ I apologise. But this is classified. Top secret. Hee. The Highlights: -Seeing Dan and Young in the studio. -Even looking into the studios, and work offices and all that behind the scenes, but really should be the scenes, stuff. -Collecting my prize. -Getting the wonderful tour, and insights from some of the media peeps. -Some of the "extras". Basically the whole thing was great. Quote sms [Today was the best day ever, and tomorrow can't be better ,it's history i've made ( gone and won ) ; summer plans let's get together, we'll trade it in for radio pleasure] Anyways, had a great time. Hope my RADIO or MEDIA dream will be fulfilled. :D
10:35 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
simplY improvisatioN bY thE maD hatterS' ![]() Anyway, we went to watch a play! But before that. I had some fashion issues which Renwen and Chantel pointed out.=) The rest just knew it. But didn't say. XD Okay. Too happy because I've been sleeping a lot in the afternoons. And had a perfectly nice going piano lesson. Christine was late! So we were late too, waiting for her. And we had no idea how to get to "Raffles Road", "SMU", more importantly "The Substation". So we took a cab. And I have forgotten to pay Christine again.+D The Substation looks really coolers, and we cut through the entire line, cred Mr Adrian=) Everybody was like cramming in the seats. Hard Rock loose overshirt on, I hugged Saacha's bag all the way. It was very nice. The four actors, two "ang mo" ladies and two "chinese" men who spoke fairly good English - though I would prefer not to put people into stereotypical categories - were suuuuuuuuuperbb at improvisation. They could be, like, our Shi Fu. They could sing a song about someone they've only met like one second ago! And each one would sing it one word at a time. They could also change scenarios according to emotions. Like. The guy would be Ecstatically Happy, and he jumped onto a bike! And he was "That hurts well!" and smile all the way. And then he invited the lady to hop on. ( This play had some gross material into it. But then I suppose, a new Art form. ) And then they said "FREEZE!" and asked the audience for another emotion. And. Hillary said. "Lust." Omgomgomg. Credit Mr Adrian again for teaching us that. And he went craning his neck and "Whosaidthatwhosaidthat" +) And well. Lol. The tickets were more expensive than Survival Singapore, and time seemed to pass by faster. It was worth it though, Sharon said, although she fell asleep during Min and June. And woke up again during Min and June. But the rest of it was okay. Better than okay. Of course I like their theatre group name too. Its Bunny, Pris, Charsiewpau, Anne, and all the nutcases of 6 Pa '06's nickname. I thought of it=) No relation to Alice, though. Nope. No Alices that I know of too. Only Aces. Ate on the MRT. Asked Yorkie Jie to feed me. And Van C. Jie kept stealing the fries before they went into my mouth. The Mouthal Tunnel of Love for Mac. Gahh. So tired, I wanted to sleep when I got home. But then, there were two tests tomorrow! The class were like blaming Mr Adrian, if we fell asleep the next day;) No worries though. No Chinese Lit Anyway. I am thinking of naming my new D.A. ( Deviantart ) acc, -RADIOgen . Sorry about its "muffinlessity". Blizz Maffin and others, any comments?
7:38 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
PCCP chaleT hangouT '07' Woah. Like, blogging again. Sigh. My school h/w is left like, completely blank. Seriously I have to get my head buried in it. Or else. *waawaatada*. Wrath of e teachers. Anyway, With Ri-en organising the PCCP and me co-helping, it was kinda coolers. At first, rather boring. But then more people came: Izzy, A.P., Aralc ( without H*****. ), Yinga, Meaghan, Charsiewpau, Bunny, Carissa, Sarah Ang. Sorry if I have missed out anybody. + Ri and Rienna, of course. -omgomg.socute.toyelephantwhichweknockeddown.- ~MVprop I was sortof-the-DJ. Which was nice! Brought Stereotype over. ( the name of my stereo. Its ironic, because its special. ^^'' ) And we blasted music so loud. Ran up and down the chalet, locked ourselves in teh air-con rooms and played blind man's buff. Lol. Everyone was unsure of what was happening. -them.thecloudsarepretty...andthepeoplessharingthismoment...- FoodfoodyaycookedbyAndria. And Meaghan! ( sadly she isn't a pyromaniac. *winkwink* ) BBQed dinner was nice. And the marshmallows. We went to teh arcade, and played Parapara. For teh first time in my LIFE. Omg so funneh. After we lost, having 4% then 2%, we watched this uber-pro boy playing. And he always got 100%. And we were like. Stomping on the floor. When, para was supposed to be HAND-MOVEMENTS. We were like =.-''-ing at ourselves. How. Could we have publicly advertised our stupidity at the Para-machine. Anyways, the fiery fiercish leader, Meaghan, turned out to be an obsessive dancer. Lol. Weird techno music kept playing. Teh coins vanished like wisps of smoke. *shakes head* There was this "BishiBashi" game thingy. I always teamed with Ri! :0 and we WON. Well. Sometimes. :]] It was super-fun anyway. Slept over at chalet, talked about P**** and J**. You see. Nobody can sue me for use of their names LOL. Of course I can't tell you our conversation. To be expected, anyway. Shu En invited a friend, Sheevonne to S.O. at the chalet too. Their MCR and Green Day T-shirts and retro shoes are so coolers. I say, I must go GET them. Moohwahahahah. ![]() Aralc and Ri were sleeping like LOGS. Shu En left in e -ilovethisaviofavril.- morning.=( But so we were left to our own devices and I came up with the idea of shooting a music video, using Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend". It would be so hilarious. But teh little kiddies at teh playground and ball pool kept screaming, shouting, and disrupting e whole process. Sheevonne even shook this guy up and pelted him with colourful plastic toy balls=( She should be more GENTLE. KIND. AND FORGIVING. And, our cameras and phone batts kept running low. So, what a failure. We need to plan more next time. Ate a weirdddddd noodles lunch at e cafe. What is wrong with being saliva-conscious?! Okay. Relating to that. Shuuqqingg said that, there's this boy who nibbled at his pizza slower than ME. You see! *brandishes* Proof that I'm not teh slowest eater in teh world. There goes my famed title, though. But. Can that little boy eat a tiny slice of cucumber in 70 bites? Nu-nu-nuh-uh. I had to go home early for my piano lesson. Conked out, and played rubbishhly. Sigh. Did STTD essay. Like finally. Have to STOP slacking. WORKWORKWORK. Then, when done, SLACKKK. LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. COS' ONE DAY, TOMORROW WILL CEASE TO EXIST. AND YESTERDAY WAS NEVER HERE ANYWAY. ~Rienna-iSEd + 1oo`
5:36 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
maffin'S 13tH birthdaY' ![]() She, and well I, have been waiting for this day. Whoohoo~ So happy birthday Jaena! Went to her house, got so late. Called e taxi to come when her Daddeh was alr on teh way to pick me up. And i tried to slam down teh phone. Lol. Aralc was there...she got Ri the Akon cd. Konvicted, i think. And i gave her Gwen Stefani's "The Sweet Escape". She let Maffin's "happy egg" piccy..she's 13 and happy. me keep teh poster! xD So we played DOA. And we made msYaNdAo! MsYaNdAo was taken. Part of our plan to woo MrYaNdAo. It failed, he rejected us. In our faces. Like. Didn't even reply. T.T We had CHEESE MUFFINS with CANDLES! "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Lick Me" instead of cake. Tell me how coolers was that! And after dinner ( yayettes cooked by Andria. ) Li's mommeh took us to my house. Where we showered ( chopped first. ) and commed. More like mapled. New Delphi charac, MisSyMo0...Ri is MisSybo0m. Future Assassins and Fire Mage...darn Justin for telling me to add wrong stats. And, at night, we talked a lot, until morning. Where i shared my shadowed past and deepest ![]() AbovE ThE SeA' Omg lol. Shu En and Aralc both love "The Little Mermaid". They say Ariel's pretty. Lol. I told her about Disney..or Universal Studios..staging the performance. And what the actors looked like. Lol. Drastic difference. Anyways, first time Li went to my churchie. And gawked at everybody. She helped me do "hospitality". Lol. Everybody only acknowledges her AFTER her name is announced, hurr what kindof churchilians. We took public transport to Vivo=Sentosa. And guess what? Yaoshan kept using the wacko stick to find a target, and well hit the target. Joe's butt. ( Maffin calls him JoJo LMAOO. ) And, the door closed on us. =.-'' Ignored him after that. I wanted to lick Vivo's shiny floor. SOME people wouldn't let me. I love Li's dogtag. Pressies from Mei En. Took e new buggy skyrail to Sentosa. Played weird games. Hope Ri didn't feel left out or resentment towards Bethel Youths. Lol. And we purposely confused everyone with her names. Cases: #1: Her name is Jaena. As we told everyone. #2: Her name, as announced to the whole church, and written on her Visitor's card, is Li En. #3: Li En is her chinese name. Jaena is her english name. #4: "Wutshername?"
class tee : design by* em-0ofin {Rienna}
8:37 AM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
![]() Luff <3 emilY'. woN 987'S smS lilY alleN contesT'. =( =) SMILE.' CHECK IT, CHECK IT, CHECK IT OUT. GUESS. WHAT. NO WAIT. I'MA GONNA TELL YA. I, WON, 987'S LILY ALLEN SMS CONTEST. GOING TO RECEIVE A $1oo HAMPER. GOING TO KISS IT. "MWUARKS". Are you all shocked? Stupid question. I was totally stunned when Emily called me. Thought it was just another lost edu-learn hater lamb.=) But, it was Lily Allen! Lily. LMAO. I mean. IT WAS EMILY. <3>
Thankyews...*tears* Oh you are too kind, too kind! *blows kisses* Can't BELIEVE it! Oh, the boquet of Ferrero Roche's are for ME? Well..oh no i can't accept it..well yes i can...THANKS AGAIN... LMAO. Well! That certainly cheered me up! P.S. Do you think i'm psychic? It was soooo long ago that i put my name as ~Rienna-iSEd + 1oo! Plus a hundred! You know? You get it..? =D I didn't tell her i wanted to be a DJ. Deeeeejaayyyyy. I shall visit her with Ah Ee next time. This year, 2007. Wells, Shiny here to go celebrate and DANCEE!! Go to =D emily's pagee!! ![]() :]] ~Rienna-iSEd + 1oo`
11:34 PM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
![]() mr.'S stilL remaiN mr.'S.' Mr. Seth Tan just g0t married. Congrats to him ^^'' I mean, c'mon. That means he doesn't look bengg at all to someone in this world, on this earth...=) We had a 1 Truth class party. :]] Vanilla Coke rocks man. Let's all celebrate! Its teh 7th of March! Muffin i will never forget to wish you Happy Birthday. Haha. P.S. support XBellZ! Love appreciating his art. ~Rienna-iSEd + 1oo`
9:36 PM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
We ate at Mac for breakfast! I was 2nd earliest. =x And, Mama was late. HAHA. I wound up messing everybody up, being unable to decide what to eat. So, i just took teh usual Sausage McMuffin w/ egg. LMAO. And ate very slowly. And, i am pleased to say, Saacha eats less too! Erina was like o.O''' cos' she had to eat Saacha's pancakes. HOW WAS F.O.B. CONCERTT SAACHAAAAHH' TELL ME THEY TOTALLY ROCKED MAX PAVILION!! AND, YOU GOT ME SOME MERCHANDISE:]] like, Tees/Posters/Autographs~!/Wristbands OMG. HAHA. IMAGINING THINGS. Wells. We were like putting our hand up whenever we crossed teh road! Teacher Mamamartha said so! And ate sweets and lollipops. Reminiscing of Kindergarten. Okay. We were waving like brides ( not corpse ones. ) as we ascended down e royal imaginary carpeted ancient stairs. Took e bus, where Capri* and Leymao dominated:]] SCIENCE CENTRE! ITS SOOOOOO COOLERS! Of course, not my first time going dere. But! Lovely all teh same! We had two modules for today, before lunch ( Mac ) and after lunch. Before one was more exciting...DNA and Life! Dolly was named after Dolly Parton, this famous country singer. But she had artificial assets. Odd scientists. Mac was Chicken McNuggets. And tomato sauce! And Joanna really knows how to finish 3 jap curriesauce. Haha. And i thought i was e graaaaaandmasssssstaaaaahhhhhh'. After Mac we went EXPLORING!!! And i took waaaayyyy too many pics and vids. They thought i was crazy...gone loco=) But, it was really fun! Teh portraits on e walls are freaky. We saw plants, tree houses, compost turners..?! Pipes, mikes, fake heavy cams, A LOT of shiny buttons, corals, aquariums, eels ( dead or alive? ), Einstein shimmying up and down a rope. AAANDD. THAT TESLA COIL! WHERE THERE WAS THIS COOLERS PURPLY LIGHTNING THINGEH AND EVERYBODY WENT OOH AND AAH BUT COULDN'T HEAR OURSELVES COS' IT WAS LOUD AS THUNDER. A BALLOON EXPLODED TOO! AND IT WAS ALL SO EXCITING. *OmG. Thought i accidentally deleted this. Phews.* I got to eat my preciousssss McFlurry too. And, Daddeh FETCHED me from S. C. I didn't know! ANdandaND.i went for reharsal practice afterwards, for Sundays worship...i'm drummin'. And they wanted me to sing too. o.O''' And we fetched YaoShan home, which is SO UBER-NEAR St. Nicks. So scary w0rs. ANYWAYS, GANBATTE FOR TEH DAYS AHEAD! THANKYEWS MR. SANJEED! WE SHALL LEARN TO SHUT UP! GO ETHANOL! Some pics here. Rienna in lab coat. DNA structure. Agent Loh with Deadly Weapon. Agent Kuching with Deadly Smile. Time to "Clue-do".
"Like, huh? Delicious candy floss! Sorry, I wasn't listening." Quote Maffin- "Slaps you with a sakana."
11:02 PM