Monday, September 01, 2008
credit: designs
inspiration from the bountifully broad (literally, you'd get lost easily) and beautiful botanic gardens.
ooh, alliteration.
a random musing
You watch
I laugh
And you smile
- the audiovisual
a couple of mediocre haikus
Sun's crooked teeth latch
Onto our backs, radiates
Warm, honest brilliance.
- the sun
Still and slow, you glide
Tendrils lap gently, merge Brown-
ian tranquility.
- the lake
Sit in a circle
Under a thatched roof so worn
Guitar plucks sweetly.
- reunion
Selfmade sings sombre
We're waiting on those grey clouds
Bottle up the pain
- S
Technicolour bau-
bles. Spheres of iridiscent
light rest on the breeze
- bubbles
September, the time
For sleep is now, cradle me
We thread through slumber
- september
Pursed lips closing in
Effortlessly lean towards
Barrage of freedom
- O
Sprawling springy moss
Carpets canals cheeks of stone
Simpering solitude.
- A
Dorian gray jungle
Leaps out at you from the depths
Of it's still, deep, dark.
- Jungle
Joker cracked gravel
Crisscross lattices of scars
Say: Why so serious?
- the joker
10 :D my favourite number for sets of haikus. oh well !
peace out guys
10:35 PM