Sunday, July 05, 2009
Wear your heart on your sleeve
My MSN says:
ARTS HOUSE JULY 04 4.30 - 7.00 PM Check it 'n' Back it!
And I'm so glad I did :D
I was hiding behind a wall when I saw Nadia and gave an awkward wave to her haha. I think the first thought she had through her head was probably: who is this little gherkin lah? but yah she very nicely sat with me and talked to me, among all matters, about school, giving
much encouragement regarding my sitting for the Chinese O Levels, and nodding in wise
acknowledgement and understanding regarding our school value of Sisterly Love. Ahahahhaha. I wonder why I am constantly entertained when people say that they dislike or criticize my school system (not that she did!) and I'm like a councillor, but I can just openly sit and listen to it. Hmm.
Anyway yeah she's really pretty and nice haha! And there is a small chance she has noted my existence.
-> Thanks Marie for suggesting I go and Sharon Way for accompanying me :D
It was mainly about depression, and how self-expression can actually help to cure that.
So after a film screening of "The Truth About Suicide" (I missed the Arrival, Speech, Unveiling of T-shirt designs and winners of the competition blahblah while waiting for people haha :D) there was a poetry recital session! Which is seriously super cool I hope to attend more of those in Singapore haha. Y'know after each poet comes up and leaves, I appreciate Singapore more thanks so such talented and open people.
Whilst I was waiting outside, there was this guy strumming the guitar and doing a Jason Mraz thingamagic cause he spoke so fast. After overhearing some conversation he had (I can't help but eavesdrop) I made up my mind that he MUST be a DJ or some performing arts fellow of some sort. Aah overwhelmed by the cool-ness of it all. Turns out his name's Benjamin and he performed later! Doing a guitar/rap dedicated to Shakespeare, reading a romantic short story about the telephone and the lampshade (aww melt!) another short story about the conversation between him and a duck. The second poet - Pooja (do forgive me if I spelt your name incorrectly!) was really witty haha :D Her I am Beautiful poem really made us all laugh :) and her telephone conversation with a confession struck a chord somewhere deep among us all I think. Not that we're addicts but perhaps, the guts to confess something to someone, somewhere along the way, is hard to have, and that sincerity and admission is somehow much more than your average spout of word vomit.
And the last guy wrote really beautiful poems that always took us round a revelation of his own. Such as the Woodcutter. Loved Skin too :D I think endings really impacted me yesterday haha - it is a pity and a regret that I can't remember his name now.
Following this consecutive trio extraordinaire, was a couple of youth band performances. Kudos Showmanship and Harmonising! cause this poor rapper's mike wasn't working and he couldn't perform ): but smiled and sat down all the same. End of event.
[There was also this damn funny part, completely unintentional, of course. I was sitting there intently observing the video presentation - and bzz bzz, I received an SMS. Fishing awkwardly into the tiny hole that constituted my jeans pocket I retrieved my handphone and read: Yo, turn around! unwittingly following instructions (if a terrorist told me to do that I think I'd do it without thinking, lah, thats how my brain
does not work :D) and THERE STOOD TWO WIDELY GRINNING COLOURBLOCKS HOLDING UP A SIGN THAT SAID GOODNESS KNOWS WHAT cause I was too busy laughing at the suddeness and shock of it all. Hahahaha yes omg Dynamic Duo Greg and Cleo do Just for Laughs Gags justice.]
If there's another event like this I hope you'll go and support some Youth Causes :) we're the only future for the new world, y'know.
Oh and I shall share with you this quote from Pooja - hopefully she will allow you and me to use it freely HAHA.
"Perhaps people will realise one day that the calculator is a small scientific sign from God that we don't have to learn mathematics."Eat that!
Since selfish blogger won't let me upload photos here until goodness-knows-when, this is the link for 4 quick shots ! I took at the arts house. Not while the event was in progress though D:
1:25 PM